God’s Zephyr

God’s spirit moves forever in the mighty wind
Know it is his presence that never ever dims
It is the very air we breathe that softly blows
Feel his very essence his living waters flow
He is the great I am and the bread of our lives
Believe he takes us through and helps us daily strive
God’s wind like his spirit shows his omnipotence
Cease never to show his royal preeminence
His wind trumpets notes of sweet melodious chimes
Lift our hands and voices to praise Him one more time

Deirdre M. DeLoatch


I wrote this poem in response to someone who doubts the living God. Although we cannot see the wind, there is evidence all around us that the wind blows. Like wind, God is real; we can look at our lives and see evidence that he exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). He opens up the eyes of the hearts of those who look for him and enlightens so that we know the far exceeding riches of his glory (Ephesians 1).image

I know God is real. Many things in my life could not have happened except for the presence of a true and living God. In my next post, I will share some evidence! I pray that we all have fresh encounters with Him.


For edification read: Ephesians 1; Hebrews 11.

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